October is National Animal Safety and Prevention Month
October is National Animal Safety and Prevention Month; a month promoting safe caring for domestic and wild animals. Animals play an important part in our everyday lives, even if we don’t personally have pets. We want to make sure that they are treated kindly and with the respect and care they deserve.
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The PALS Foundation created National Animal Safety and Prevention Month. PALS is dedicated to helping people and animals coexist in a way that benefits all of nature. They believe that humans must appreciate all animals’ values and the important role they have in our environment.
There are different ways you can participate in National Animal Safety and Prevention Month. Some of them are as simple as being aware of the needs of your household pets. Make sure they are microchipped so if they are ever lost, they can be easily found and returned; collars with identification tags are also just as important. Pet-proof your home so that your animals don’t come in contact with any dangerous poisons or toxins. Put together a disaster escape plan should you ever need to evacuate your pets quickly from home.
If you don’t have pets of your own, you can still participate in Animal Safety and Prevention Month by volunteering at your local animal shelter. There are plenty of animals that have not yet been adopted that would love some time and attention.
Help promote National Animal Safety and Prevention Month by merely spreading the word on social media. Just one small effort could bring awareness to much larger groups of people who are readers, listeners, and viewers of these outlets.
National Animal Safety and Prevention Month is a wonderful opportunity to remind people of animals’ importance in our everyday lives. Though it’s only one month out of the year, observe these practices year-round. With better safety practices, we can all lead happier and healthier lives.
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